Summary: Follows the infamously terrible American Samoa soccer team, known for a brutal 2001 FIFA match they lost 31-0. With the 2014 World Cup Qualifiers approaching, the team hires down-on-his-luck, maverick coach Thomas Rongen, hoping he will turn the world's worst soccer team around in this humorous and heartfelt underdog story.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2024
Copies Available at Suttons Bay
1 available in Movies, Call number: DVD NextSummary: It's hard enough to adjust to a big move -- even harder when it's to New York City -- and harder still when there's a singing crocodile living in your attic! Josh Primm isn't making friends easily, so he's glad that Lyle is willing, but their menacing neighbor is determined to rid the neighborhood of the reptile.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 2022