Grandin, Temple
Summary: "A quarter of a century after her first book, Thinking in Pictures, forever changed how the world understood autism, Temple Grandin--the "anthropologist from Mars," as Oliver Sacks dubbed her--transforms our understanding of the different ways our brains are wired. Visual thinkers constitute a far greater proportion of the population than previously understood, she reveals, and a more varied...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Riverhead Books 2022
Copies Available at Suttons Bay
1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 152.14 GrandinHerbert, Martha R.
Summary: "Move beyond conventional thinking about autism. . . . After years of treating patients and analyzing scientific data, prominent Harvard researcher and clinician Dr. Martha Herbert offers a revolutionary new view of autism and a transformative strategy for dealing with it. Autism is not a hardwired impairment programmed into a child's genes and destined to remain fixed forever, as we're often...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Ballantine Books 2012