Telgemeier, Raina.
Summary: From sixth grade through tenth, Raina copes with a variety of dental problems that affect her appearance and how she feels about herself.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Graphix 2010
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Place a hold to request this item.Brosgol, Vera
Summary: "Jane is incredibly plain. Everyone says so: her parents, the villagers, and her horrible cousin who kicks her out of her own house. Determined to get some semblance of independence, Jane prepares to propose to the princely Peter, who might just say yes to get away from his father. It's a good plan! Or it would've been, if he wasn't kidnapped by a mermaid. With her last shot at happiness lost...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: First Second, an imprint of Roaring Brook Press 2024
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1 available in Young Adult Non-fiction, Call number: Y 741.5 BrosgolTelgemeier, Raina
Summary: Raina is about to start sixth grade and all she wants to be is a normal girl. One night, however, after a scouts' meeting, she trips, falls, and seriously injures her two front teeth. She must then endure a whole series of dental operations and apparatuses, even a retainer with fake teeth! On top of that, she also has to deal with an earthquake, boy trouble, and friends who turn out to be not...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: 2016