Summary: Based upon the acclaimed comic book, the movie tells the story of a super-secret spy organization that recruits an unrefined but promising street kid into the agency's ultra-competitive training program just as a global threat emerges from a twisted tech genius.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment 2015
Copies Available at Suttons Bay
1 available in Movies, Call number: DVD DVD KINGSSummary: Inspired by true events, it is a feel-good story about Michael 'Eddie' Edwards, an unlikely but courageous British ski-jumper who never stopped believing in himself, even as an entire nation was counting him out. With the help of a rebellious and charismatic coach, Eddie takes on the establishment and wins the hearts of sports fans around the world by making an improbable and historic showing...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: 2016
Copies Available at Suttons Bay
1 available in Movies, Call number: DVD DVD EddieJohn, Elton
Summary: An official autobiography by the influential music artist includes coverage of his complicated upbringing in a London suburb, his celebrity collaborations, his struggles with addiction, and the establishment of his AIDS Foundation.
Format: sound recording-nonmusical
Publisher / Publication Date: Macmillan Audio 2019