Lowry, Lois
Summary: Eleven-year-old Sophia endeavors to prevent her increasingly forgetful eighty-eight-year-old neighbor and best friend Sophie from entering assisted living, and in the process, uncovers unexpected stories of war, loss, and hope.
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Publisher / Publication Date: Clarion Books, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers 2024
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Place a hold to request this item.Dickerson, Melanie.
Summary: Gisela's childhood was filled with laughter and visits from nobles such as the duke and his young son. But since her father's death, each day has been filled with nothing but servitude to her stepmother. So when Gisela learns the duke's son, Valten -- the boy she has daydreamed about for years -- is throwing a ball in hopes of finding a wife, she vows to find a way to attend, even if it's only...
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Publisher / Publication Date: Zondervan 2013
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1 available in Young Adult Fiction, Call number: Y FICTION DickerKertell, Lynn Maslen
Summary: Scholastic's award-winning reading program is now available to pre-readers with the creation of My First Bob Books. Expanding upon the Bob Books method and philosophy, these brand new sets offer children and their parents simple and satisfying tools that lay an important foundation for reading readiness. My First Bob Books: Alphabet helps children match sounds to letters, letters to words, and...
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Publisher / Publication Date: Scholastic 2008