
Vallepur, Shalini

Summary: "What makes kids think of summer? Hot weather, swimming pools, and no school! But the season of summer is more than that! It's the time of the year in which many fruits and vegetables grow ripe and ready to harvest. It's when many trees and flowers fully blossom. In this book, readers learn about the heat and thunderstorms of summer in addition to other basics about the season. "--Amazon.

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: KidHaven Publishing 2023

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1 available in Juvenile Non-fiction, Call number: J 508.2 Vallepur

Vallepur, Shalini

Summary: "When the days start to get longer and the sun shines a little warmer, we know spring is on the way! Sometimes rainy and cool, sometimes warm and sunny, spring is the time when baby animals are born and when plants start to reach from the soil to the sky. Readers ready to come out of hibernation find out all about how to dress in spring, holidays celebrated then, and what weather to expect,...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: KidHaven Publishing 2023

Copies Available at Suttons Bay

1 available in Juvenile Non-fiction, Call number: J 508.2 Vallepur

Vallepur, Shalini

Summary: "Playing outside in the winter can be a challenge. It's cold, so kids need hats, scarves, gloves, and coats in many parts of the world. But there's almost nothing more beautiful than a crisp, cold, winter day when the snowing is lightly falling! Readers learn to appreciate the winter season in this book, which covers winter weather and how it affects plants and animals, as well as...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: KidHaven Publishing 2023

Copies Available at Suttons Bay

1 available in Juvenile Non-fiction, Call number: J 508.2 Vallepur

Pallotta, Jerry

Summary: "What would happen if a Peregrine Falcon and a Red-tailed Hawk met each other? What if they had to fight? Who do you think would win?"--Back cover.

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Scholastic Inc. 2020

Copies Available at Suttons Bay

1 available in Juvenile Reader, Call number: READER NONFIC Pallotta

Miles, David (David W.)

Summary: "Do you know what's actually in the full Declaration of Independence? How it was written? What was happening at the time? How to read the formal language? Don't worry! Because now, in The Side-by-Side Declaration of Independence, kid patriots (and grown-ups alike!) can tackle the Declaration like never before. Decipher the original text of the Declaration on each left-hand page with help from a...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Bushel & Peck Books 2021

Copies Available at Suttons Bay

1 available in Juvenile Non-fiction, Call number: J 973.3 Miles

Phillips, Katrina M.

Summary: "Indigenous Peoples' Day is about celebrating! The second Monday in October is a day to honor Native American people, their histories, and cultures. People mark the day with food, dancing, and songs. Readers will discover how a shared holiday can have multiple traditions and be celebrated in all sorts of ways"--Provided by publisher.

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Pebble, an imprint of Capstone 2022

Copies Available at Suttons Bay

1 available in Juvenile Non-fiction, Call number: J 394.26 Phillips

Pallotta, Jerry

Summary: In a showdown between an herbivore dinosaur and a carnivore dinosaur, who would win?

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Scholastic, Inc. 2016

Copies Available at Suttons Bay

1 available in Juvenile Easy, Call number: READER NONFIC Pallotta

Sorell, Traci

Summary: Too often, Native American history is treated as a finished chapter instead of relevant and ongoing. This companion book to the award-winning We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga offers readers everything they never learned in school about Native American people's past, present, and future. Precise, lyrical writing presents topics including: forced assimilation (such as boarding schools), land...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Charlesbridge 2021

Copies Available at Suttons Bay

1 available in Juvenile Non-fiction, Call number: J 973.04 Sorell

Pêgo, Ana

Summary: "When she was young, biologist Ana Pêgo didn't play in a backyard but on a beach. As she grew older, Ana realized that a new species was becoming more and more common in the sand. She decided to collect the species and give it a name: Plasticus maritimus. She dedicated her life to studying plastic in the oceans and raising awareness of the danger it poses to the health of the planet. Inspired...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: David Suzuki Institute/Greystone Kids 2020

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1 available in Young Adult Non-fiction, Call number: Y 363.7 Pego

Shealy, Malcolm

Summary: "Nintendo and Super Mario fans ages 5-8 will love to meet Mario, Luigi, and all their friends and foes in this Step 3 Step into Reading level reader. Featuring over 30 stickers! Step 3 readers feature engaging characters in easy-to-follow plots about popular topics. For children who are ready to read on their own. Mario first appeared in 1981 with the arcade classic Donkey KongTM, and has since...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Random House 2021

Copies Available at Suttons Bay

1 available in Juvenile Reader, Call number: READER FICTION Mario

Gall, Chris

Summary: "DIVE! is a fascinating introduction to the comprehensive, world history of diving by award-winning artist Chris Gall. How do you breathe underwater? What tools can we use to go deeper and deeper into the oceans? And...what's down there? Two-thirds of our Earth is covered in ocean, yet only 5% of it has been explored. DIVE deep into our long history of sea exploration to learn why, how, and...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Roaring Brook Press 2024

Copies Available at Suttons Bay

1 available in Juvenile Non-fiction, Call number: J 797.2 Gall

Pallotta, Jerry

Summary: "What would happen if a coyote and a dingo met each other? What if they had a fight? Who do you think would win?"--

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Scholastic Inc. 2023

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Vallepur, Shalini

Summary: 'In many parts of the United States, the leaves change color and the air grows cooler in autumn. Other parts of the world see autumn happen in this way too! Animals collect food for winter and make their homes ready for hibernation or simply a place to shelter when it's colder. Emerging readers will love this simple introduction to the many facets of the fall season. From what to wear to what...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: KidHaven Publishing 2023

Copies Available at Suttons Bay

1 available in Juvenile Non-fiction, Call number: J 508.2 Vallepur

Lewis, Aura

Summary: See the U.S. Constitution in a new light with this bold, modern and accessible illustrated guide to the document that helped define democracy.

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Wide Eyed Editions, an imprint of The Quarto Group 2020

Copies Available at Suttons Bay

1 available in Juvenile Non-fiction, Call number: J 342 Lewis

Peskowitz, Miriam

Summary: Coding is about creativity, self-expression, and telling your story. It's solving problems and being curious, building things, making the world a better place, and creating a future. It's about you: whoever you are, wherever you're at, whatever you want.

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Alfred A, Knopf 2019

Copies Available at Suttons Bay

1 available in Juvenile Non-fiction, Call number: J 005 Peskowitz

Ferguson, Melissa

Summary: "Earth Day celebrates our beautiful planet and calls us to act on its behalf. Some people spend the day planting flowers or trees. Others organize neighborhood clean-ups, go on nature walks, or make recycled crafts. Readers will discover how a shared holiday can have multiple traditions and be celebrated in all sorts of ways"--

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Pebble, a capstone imprint 2021

Copies Available at Suttons Bay

1 available in Juvenile Non-fiction, Call number: J 394.26 Ferguson

Whipple, Annette

Summary: "Where do frogs live? What sounds do frogs make? How do frogs eat? These and other questions are answered by the author, along with some extra information provided by the frogs themselves." --Publisher's website.

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: 2022

Copies Available at Suttons Bay

1 available in Juvenile Non-fiction, Call number: J 567.89 Whipple

Bittman, Mark

Summary: "From hunting and gathering to GMOs and ultraprocessed foods, this expansive tour of human history rewrites the story of our species-and points the way to a better future"--

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 2021

Copies Available at Suttons Bay

1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 394.12 Bittman

Ferguson, Melissa

Summary: "Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebrates the life of the civil rights movement leader. Some people observe the day by singing, reading, or watching movies about him. Others volunteer in their community or make peace-inspired crafts. Readers will discover how a shared holiday can have multiple traditions and be celebrated in all sorts of ways"--

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: 2021

Copies Available at Suttons Bay

1 available in Juvenile Non-fiction, Call number: J 394.26 Ferguson

Romero, Libby.

Summary: The Highlights Book of How is the essential book of curiosity and wonder, integrating STEM content, experiments, and activities. This companion to the Highlights Book of Things to Do provides dozens of ways for kids age seven and up to explore and create while deepening their understanding of science. This highly visual, hands-on book showcases kids' science questions (many of which were sent...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: 2022

Copies Available at Suttons Bay

1 available in Juvenile Non-fiction, Call number: J 502 Highlights

Sanders, Jayneen

Summary: "Teaching young children about body boundaries, both theirs and others, is crucial to a child's growing sense of self, their confidence and how they should expect to be treated by others. A child growing up knowing they have a right to their own personal space, gives that child ownership and choices as to what happens to them and to their body. It is equally important a child understands, from...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: 2020

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Whipple, Annette.

Summary: Where do spiders live? How do spiders make silk? Are spiders dangerous? Find out the answer to these questions and more.

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Reycraft Books

Copies Available at Suttons Bay

1 available in Juvenile Non-fiction, Call number: J 595.44 Whipple

Foster, Craig

Summary: In this thrilling memoir of a life spent exploring the most incredible places on Earth--from the Great African Seaforest to the crocodile lairs of the Okavango Delta--Craig Foster reveals how we can attend to the earthly beauty around us and deepen our love for all living things, whether we make our homes in the country, the city, or anywhere in between. Foster explores his struggles to remain...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: HarperOne 2024

Copies Available at Suttons Bay

1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 921 Foster

Hitchcock, Shannon

Summary: History books have forgotten most Appalachian women, many of whom were poor or lacked formal education. Yet these women spoke through the quilts they created from scraps of cloth collected over time. Piece by piece, these patchwork quilts revealed the beauty of mountain life..

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: 2022

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