Summary: In 1970s London amidst the punk rock revolution, is a young grifter named Estella, a clever and creative girl determined to make a name for herself with her designs. She befriends a pair of young thieves who appreciate her appetite for mischief, and together they are able to build a life for themselves on the London streets. One day, Estella's flair for fashion catches the eye of the Baroness...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Disney 2021
Copies Available at Suttons Bay
1 available in Movies, Call number: DVD CruellaSummary: "[A] White House transcriber in 1974 finds the only copy of hte infamous 18 1/2-minute gap in Nixon's Watergate tapes, but her attempts to leak it to the press run afoul of hippies, swingers and nefarious forces." --container.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: MVD Visual 2024