Gonzalez, Xochitl
Summary: "Who gets to leave a legacy? 1985. Anita de Monte, a rising star in the art world, is found dead in New York City; her tragic death is the talk of the town. Until it isn't. By 1998 Anita's name has been all but forgotten--certainly by the time Raquel, a third-year art history student is preparing her final thesis. On College Hill, surrounded by progeny of film producers, C-Suite executives, and...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Flatiron Books 2024
Copies Available at Suttons Bay
1 available in Adult Fiction, Call number: FICTION GonzalezGonzalez, Xochitl
Summary: "1985. Anita de Monte, a rising star in the art world, is found dead in New York City; her tragic death is the talk of the town. Until it isn’t. By 1998 Anita’s name has been all but forgotten—certainly by the time Raquel, a third-year art history student is preparing her final thesis. On College Hill, surrounded by privileged students whose futures are already paved out for them, Raquel feels...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: 2024